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Adding items to the navigation bar


After installing BookStack, I wanted to add my own items (linking to specific pages in BookStack) to the navigation bar at the top.

There are 2 methods to do this:

  1. Directly adjusting the core header.blade.php file. While this is the easy way, changing core files can create conflicts when updating BookStack. This method is not recommended.

  2. Using the Visual Theme System to make the customizations. The core files are not touched, preventing conflicts when updating BookStack. This is the recommended method.

Confirmed working with BookStack v21.10 and v23.06.


Desktop layout



Mobile layout

Before (left) and after (right):

Method 1: making changes to header.blade.php

While this is the easy method, it is not recommended! The recommended method is method 2 below.

I assume the installation folder of BookStack is /var/www/bookstack/.


  1. Create the page in BookStack first, to have a link to the page.

  2. Browse to the /bookstack/resources/view/common/ folder, and edit the header.blade.php file.

  3. I have added 3 items to the navigation bar, after 'search' and before 'shelves'.

    An example link ('About me'):
<a href="{{ url('https://website.url/books/bookname/page/about-me') }}">@icon('aboutme') About me</a>
  1. After making the changes, save the header.blade.php file.

  2. Put your icons in: /BookStack/resources/icons/. In this case, the file should be named aboutme.svg.

    I have found my icons/svgs on

Method 2: using the Visual Theme System

This is the recommended method! The core files are not touched, preventing conflicts when updating BookStack.

More info about Visual Theme System can be found in the BookStack GitHub repo:

I assume the installation folder of BookStack is /var/www/bookstack/.


  1. Create the page in BookStack first, to have a link to the page.

  2. Browse to the /bookstack/themes/ folder, and create a new folder for your own theme. Name the folder as you desire. I have named mine yavuz_theme.

    Anything added to this theme folder will override the core files. In this case, we only want to change the navigation bar, so only save changes to the file that handles the navigation bar.

  3. The code for the navigation bar can be found in the core file header.blade.php in the folder /bookstack/resources/view/common/.

    Copy this header.blade.php file to your theme folder.
    In my case, this meant copying /bookstack/resources/view/common/header.blade.php to /bookstack/themes/yavuz_theme/.

  4. Now, browse to your theme folder and edit the edit the header.blade.php file.
    (In my case: /bookstack/themes/yavuz_theme/header.blade.php.)

  5. I have added 3 items to the navigation bar, after 'search' and before 'shelves'.

    An example link ('About me'):
<a href="{{ url('https://website.url/books/bookname/page/about-me') }}">@icon('aboutme') About me</a>
  1. After making the changes, save the header.blade.php file.

  2. Put your icons in: /BookStack/resources/icons/. In this case, the file should be named aboutme.svg.

    I have found my icons/svgs on

  3. Activate the theme, by editing the .env file that contains the system options. You can find this file in the root folder (/bookstack/). It is a hidden file, so if you can't see it, make sure to enable 'show hidden files' in the application that you're using.

    Add the following at the bottom of the .env file:

    Replace <YOUR_THEME_FOLDER> with the name that you have chosen.
    In my case, it is:

  4. Save the .env file.
    Refresh BookStack in the browser, the changes should be visible immediately.