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Solve wallet problems

Publication date: 2021-12-13


This page describes how to re-sync the Reddcoin blockchain, clean wallet transactions in case of transaction or balance issues, and how to add a small transaction fee for quick confirmation of the transaction.

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Writing a guide like this takes time and effort; tips are appreciated.
My crypto addresses can be found here.


1 Deleting existing blockchain data and syncing fully again

Users that have been using an old version of Reddcoin Core – version 1 and 2 – can experience issues with their wallets. As the blockchain is a fundamental part of cryptocurrency, the blockchain data of Reddcoin Core should be correct and valid.

With the steps taken ion this page, your blockchain data will be deleted and downloaded again. This will make sure your Reddcoin Core blockchain data is correct and valid.

1.1 Backup wallet

Always make a backup of your wallet first if you have any Reddcoins in your wallet. Do not skip this step.

You can read here how to make a backup.

1.2 Check if most recent version of Reddcoin Core is installed

It is important to use/run the most recent version of Reddcoin Core, as the most recent version will have bugfixes and improvements.

Currently, the most recent version is: Reddcoin Core v3.10.4.

To check the version of your Reddcoin Core, follow these steps:

  • Open Reddcoin Core.

  • Open 'Debug window', via 'Help' (menu) -> 'Debug window'.

  • The 'Debug window' appears on the screen, showing the 'Information' tab.
    Client version will tell you your Reddcoin Core version.

    It should be v3.10.4.

  • If your version is v3.10.4, you are running the most recent version. You can continue with step 3 below.

    If your version is not v3.10.4 (and thus older), you should update Reddcoin Core first.
    More info about updating can be found here: Updating Reddcoin Core to a newer version.
    After you have updated, you can continue with the next step (1.3) below.

1.3 Find your Reddcoin data directory

  • Open Reddcoin Core.

  • Open ‘Debug window’, via 'Help' (menu) -> 'Debug window'.

  • The 'Debug window' appears on the screen, showing the 'Information' tab. Click on the 'Open' button at the bottom to open the 'Debug log file'.

  • The debug log file will be opened.
    Search for the following in the file (CTRL + F) to see your data directory:
    Using data directory

    In this example, the Reddcoin data directory is C:\Blockchain\Reddcoin.

  • Close/exit Reddcoin Core, via File (menu) -> Exit.

  • Open your Reddcoin data directory using Windows File Explorer.
    In my case, it’s C:\Blockchain\Reddcoin.

  • Delete these two folders:
    • blocks
    • chainstate

  • Delete this file:
    • peers.dat

  • Leave this window open.

1.4 Download and extract the bootstrap file

You need to download the bootstrap file, and place the contents in your Reddcoin data.

  • Download the bootstrap file (.zip file – 4.5 GB):

  • After the file is downloaded, the next step is to copy the contents of the bootstrap file to your Reddcoin data directory.

    Browse to the folder where the bootstrap file is saved.
    Right click on the file -> ‘Open with’ -> Windows Explorer.

  • The contents of the bootstrap file will be shown (two folders: 'blocks' and 'chainstate').
    Copy/move these folders to your Reddcoin data directory (the window from the previous step that is still open, where you deleted the files/folders earlier).
    You can 'drag and drop', 'right click copy, right click paste' or 'CTRL + C, CTRL +V'.

1.5 Finish the sync

Start Reddcoin Core. If you did everything correctly, you should sync only a few days or weeks of blockchain data, instead of more than 6 years. Wait until the blockchain is fully synced before doing any transactions.

To speed up the weeks syncing, you can do the following:

  • In Reddcoin Core, go to: Help (menu) -> Debug window -> Peers.

  • Make the Peers window wider.

  • You are interested in the column ‘User Agent’ (2nd column).
    Make the column wider to see its contents.

  • Peers with User Agent “Reddcoin:3” use Reddcoin Core v3.
    These peers are OK.

    Peers with User Agent "Reddcoin:1" use Reddcoin Core v1.
    Peers with User Agent "Reddcoin:2" use Reddcoin Core v2.
    These peers are using outdated versions of Reddcoin Core, stop connecting to these peers by banning them. Right click on these peers and ban them for 1 year.

  • Until the blockchain is fully synced, check the peers window every few minutes. If you see new peers with “Reddcoin:1” or “Reddcoin:2”, ban them as well.

  • I can recommend checking Peers and banning peers using older versions of Reddcoin Core (v1/v2) even after Reddcoin Core is fully synced. Not using v1/v2 peers help to keep your network traffic low and your blockchain data healthy.

1.6 Next step – cleaning up the wallet transactions

When Reddcoin Core is fully synced, continue "Cleaning up the wallet transactions". See below.

2 Cleaning up the wallet transactions

By cleaning up your wallet, you will remove any transaction that is not confirmed on the Reddcoin blockchain. These are transactions with issues, like transaction are conflicted, or transactions that are not getting confirmed and stay unconfirmed.

As a result, your wallet will only have confimed transactions, in line with the Reddcoin blockchain.

If you had created a new transaction that was stuck (not getting confirmed), the transaction will be removed, and the amount will be placed back into your wallet.

2.1 Backup wallet

Always make a backup of your wallet first if you have any Reddcoins in your wallet. Do not skip this step.

You can read here how to make a backup.

After you have made a backup, exit Reddcoin Core.
File (menu) -> Exit.

2.2 Find your Reddcoin Core installation Folder

You need to start Reddcoin Core with the zapwallet argument. To do this, you first need to find your Reddcoin installation folder.

  • Let's first check the default installation locations to see if Reddcoin Core is installed there.

    Check if you can find a folder named Reddcoin in the following locations:

    • C:\Program Files
    • C:\Program Files (x86)

    • Open the Reddcoin folder to see its contents.
      There should be a reddcoin-qt.exe file in the folder.

      If you have found the file, you have found your Reddcoin Core installation folder.
      Leave this window open, and continue to step 3 below.

  • If Reddcoin Core is not installed in the default location, you can use the shortcut to find the location.

    • Click on the Windows icon (on the left bottom corner of your screen) to open the Start Menu.

    • Type Reddcoin to start searching for Reddcoin Core.
      At the top of search window, you should see a match for Reddcoin Core. On the right side, select Open file location.

      • You can also right click on ‘Reddcoin Core’ and select Open file location.

    • A new window opens, with two shortcuts.
      Right click on the Reddcoin Core shortcut, and select Properties.

    • In the Properties window, Start in will tell you where Reddcoin Core is installed.

      Copy the text in Start in.

    • Open Windows File Explorer, and paste the copied text in the address bar.
      Remove the quotation marks at the begin and end, and press [enter].

      The folder Reddcoin Core is installed will open.
      There should be a reddcoin-qt.exe file in the folder.

Continue to next step (2.3) below.

2.3 Start Reddcoin Core with -zapwallettxes=1

You have found your Reddcoin data folder and have it open in Windows File explorer.

  • Click on the address bar, type in cmd, and press [enter].

  • The Command Prompt window opens.

  • Enter the following command (copy/paste it in Command Prompt):
    reddcoin-qt.exe -zapwallettxes=1

  • After pressing [enter], Reddcoin Core will start loading.
    Loading can take a while, as Reddcoin Core is scanning your addresses and transactions. When the scanning is finished, Reddcoin Core will open.

    Open your Transactions overview. All your transaction should now have a green check mark in front of them, meaning all your transactions are confirmed transactions.

2.4 (Optional) Create a new transaction, with a small transaction fee

Any stuck transaction that was not getting confirmed is also removed from your wallet. The amount of the transactions are placed back in your wallet (check your balance).

You can create the transaction again, and a small transaction fee (0.1 RDD) to make sure the transaction gets confirmed quickly. Read more here: Adding transaction fees to a transaction.

3 Adding transaction fees to a transaction

To make sure your transaction gets confirmed quickly, I recommend adding a small transaction fee. Below are the settings I use to add a transaction fee of 0.1 RDD.

  • In the Send window, click on the 'Choose…' button to make the transaction fee settings visible.

  • Apply the following settings in Transaction Fee:

    • Select 'Custom'.
    • Select 'total at least'.
    • Value of 'total at least': 1 RDD.
    • Make sure 'Send as zero-fee transaction if possible' is unchecked.


    With these settings, the transaction fee is set to be 0.1 RDD.

  • Fill in the address that you want to send to in 'Pay To'.

  • Optional: add a label to the address, so you can recognize the address later much easier.

  • Fill in the amount that you want to send in 'Amount'.

You now have entered the transaction details and selected 0.1 RDD as transaction fee.
Click on the 'Send' button on the bottom left to make the transaction.

A new window will pop-up, showing the amount that you have selected and the transaction fee (in red). As you can see, the transaction fee is added on top of the selected amount.
Confirm that you want to create the transaction by clicking on 'Yes'.
Your transaction will start getting confirmed within a minute.

(Optional) Minimize the transaction fee settings

After you have applied your custom settings for transaction fees, you can hide the settings by clicking on 'Minimize'.

When minimized, Reddcoin Core will tell you that the transaction fee is set at 1 RDD.
This is incorrect, the actual transaction fee is set at 0.1 RDD (as you will see in the confirmation pop-up before sending the transaction).